Шербук. Happy announcement!

Моя фотография
Moscow, Шербук, Russia
Шербук — это первый в мире сборник статей (фан-нон-фикшена) по сериалу «Шерлок» (Sherlock, BBC, 2010). Так сказать, from Russia with booking love. Заказать Шербук можно здесь.

5 апреля 2011 г.

The game is on!

Dear friends! Let me speak from my heart. In English!

We're happy to announce a forthcoming release of Sherbook – the one and only book of essays on Sherlock series (BBC, 2010), which will become available in March 2011. Since our bears are running out of vodka and thus can work only 20 hours per day (their goddamn labor union demanded a break, to play bloody balalaikas), the book will be printed in Russian first. Be not afraid though, we know how to shout commands, and with the help of kind words only we expect the English version of Sherbook to appear this spring.

If for some sick & crazy reason you'd like to purchase a book full of funny Cyrillic symbols and boast to your friends you can read & speak Russian (spasiba, tavarisch!), feel free to email us at sherbook.ru@gmail.com with 'Happy announcement' as a subject. We'd recommend you to purchase the translated version too, though, because the essays ARE interesting, no jokes here.

To pre-order the English version of Sherbook, please send us a message at the same email with 'It's Christmas!' as a subject. The list of essays will be posted soon to pray, envy and anticipate.

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